How To Do Manual Correlation In Rpt

How To Do Manual Correlation In Load Runner 11.5

The following instructions show how to run RPT scripts within a schedule in RPT workbench. Sometimes, IBM Support may ask you to run your script under a schedule in RPT workbench to determine whether an error or unusual playback behavior also occurs in RPT. Because some errors are intermittent, a schedule allows you to run the script over time to try to reproduce the error. This technote shows you how to use a loop in RPT to emulate the playback interval under the T6 agent. Step by Step Instructions The screenshots and instructions are for RPT

How To Install A Motorised Satellite. Note that the menus may be different in other versions of RPT. 1) In the RPT menu bar, click File >New >Performance Schedule.

2) The Performance Schedule dialog pops up. Select the project to be associated with the schedule. Enter the schedule name.

In this blog post, we will see about IBM Rational Performance Tester Best Practices. Using Rational Performance Tester Version 7. Robert Nicolas Introducing Rational Performance Tester Understanding RPT. 4.5.2 Manual correlation. Explain how to use the Rational Performance Tester script option that allows RPT to flag performance requirements that are not. Do loops, assignment statements and.

Click Finish. 3) Click Yes to open the RPT Test editor. 4) Select the schedule in the Schedule Contents pane.

In the Schedule Element Details pane to the right, tic the Show Advanced checkbox. Select the User Load parameters row. 5) The Add User Stages dialog displays.

Edit the schedule. In this example, we configure the schedule to run as a single user, because the T6 agent only supports single user playbacks. Note: The User Load value controls how you would stagger the startup of additional users. These parameters have no impact on single-user playbacks.

- Set the Number of users to 1. 6) Select User Group 1 (100%). Select Loop from the popup menu. 7) Select Loop (1 iteration). - Under Schedule Element Details, select Time-based and set the test duration.

In this example, we set the test duration to 30 minutes. Note that you can set the test duration to seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

The test duration displays in parentheses after User Group >Loop. - Tic Control the rate of iterations. - Set the iteration rate.

In this example, we set the iteration rate to 12 per hour (every 5 minutes) to emulate the script playback rate under the T6 agent. - Uncheck the checkboxes in the Options control group.

8) Select Loop (30 minutes). Then, select Test from the popup menu. 9) Select the RPT script you want to run under the schedule.

10) In the Navigator tree, right-click the schedule name. Select Run As >Performance Schedule.

11) Click Yes to save changes. 12) The schedule starts running the script. 13) Wait for the test to complete. The test completes when the ‘Complete’ tab turns green, as shown in this example. Note that the schedule test does not complete until the end of the test. In this example, the test completes after 30 minutes. Verify that the colored bars all indicate 100%.

14) Right-click the left-most (blue) vertical bar. Select Display Test Log from the pop-up menu. Verify that the test log is all green (no failures). Open the Verdict List items that indicate failures occurred. Try to understand and fix fix the errors indicated. 15) Notice the report tabs at the bottom of the page.

16) Open the Summary tab to view the playback metrics. Verify the run Status (Complete), Total Users (1), Percent Page VPs Passed (for Run), Total Page Element Attempts (for Run), and the response time metrics. In this example, there are 3 web pages and 7 iterations in the 30 minute playback interval -- for a total of 21 page element attempts. 17) Initially, try creating a schedule that runs your script for a half hour or less.

Then, try running the script for longer intervals to try to determine how long it takes to reproduce the error. See the following technote for best practices on reviewing runtime errors that occur when scripts playback in RPT workbench. Troubleshooting playback errors in Rational IBM Performance Tester HTTP Tests Note: The ITCAM for Transactions Robotic Response Time Agent provides the ability to run performance schedules defined in the Rational Performance Tester Workbench and exported to the Application Management Console Agent using the ITCAM Rational Performance Tester Export Plug-in.

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