Beaverton Art Literacy Program

Art Literacy Program

Portland Public Schools, searching for a new way to teach young students to read and write after years of struggle, has decided to go it alone. At the strong urging of teachers and other educators who've sampled various reading series, Oregon's largest district on Tuesday rejected offerings from every major publisher. Free Download Islamic Vector Graphics. Instead, it decided to buy six components from five companies and combine them into a unique reading and writing curriculum of its own. Beaverton schools have already made a similar shift and will add the same main reading program that Portland picked,, to this summer. It's becoming increasingly common for the nation's school districts to create their own elementary reading curriculum. Educators have realized that rigidly adhering to a single reading series, which used to be praised as showing 'fidelity,' poorly served a lot of children, including those learning English as a second language, said of both mainstream and supplemental reading programs. Fender Serial Number Dating Service.

Art Literacy. Art Literacy is a volunteer-driven, district-wide program of Discipline Based Art Education (DBAE). Throughout the school year, volunteers give. A History - Beaverton Art Literacy. The fall of 1979 led Louise Gustafson, a Chehalem elementary school parent with previous experience in volunteer led art programs.

Mixing and merging an assortment of reading programs 'is risky,' said, a Harvard University-trained expert in reading and literacy. The effectiveness of the suite of materials Portland and Beaverton have chosen is unproven, and the approach requires greater skill and judgment by teachers to pick the right lessons and the smartest sequence for skill-building. But sticking with a mainstream reading series would be risky, too, Biancarosa said, noting there's no solid evidence that textbooks by familiar names such as Scott Foresman or Houghton Mifflin are effective either. Portland picked teachers from about three dozen schools who tried the six components it plans to adopt, plus a seventh program it didn't pick up, for much of this winter and spring. Dota 2 Full Version Games. District officials measured some of the results, but so far have declined to release the findings.

Mainstream reading programs, which contain scripted lessons designed to teach phonics, fluent reading, accuracy, comprehension and vocabulary, are called comprehensive core reading programs. Research into how young readers learn, along with a big nudge from the federal No Child Left Behind law, enshrined them as standard in nearly all U.S. Schools over the past decade and half.

But after Portland Public Schools' didn't pan out well, district officials were open to novel options. A district selection committee eventually suggested forgoing any mainstream reading series until at least 2023. Teachers and other educators on the district's selection committee had two primary reasons for ruling out mainstream offerings, said Elizabeth Martin, one of five former teachers who coordinate and provide training for elementary literacy instruction in Portland Public Schools. Most series failed to broadly include cultural minorities or portrayed them in stereotypical ways, she said. And all of them catered to a limited band of students in the middle, offering little instruction that fits well for the weakest or strongest readers, Martin said. Said the district must do a better job teaching to all children to read -- and black and Latino students in particular. In 2014, the last year Oregon's old state tests were given, 27 percent of the district's third-graders failed the reading exam.

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