Ezcool Tablet Usb Driver
This question was answered on this. I will briefly summarize the steps I took to allow my RCA Voyager (RCT6873W42) running Marshmallow 6.0 to sync up with my Windows 7 computer and ADB in Android Studio. Find the device ID by navigating in Windows to (Control Panel)>(Device Manager)>(Other Devices)>(Android ADB Interface)>(right-click: Properties)>(tab: Details)>(‘Property’ drop-down: Hardware Ids) which yielded USB VID_8087&PID_0928&REV_FFFF&MI_01 USB VID_8087&PID_0928&MI_01 3. Open up C: Users Stewart AppData Local Android sdk extras google usb_driver android_winusb.inf in Notepad++ and add the following lines after both [Google.NTx86] and [Google.NTamd64];RCA Tablet RCT6873W42%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB VID_8087&PID_0928&REV_FFFF&MI_01%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB VID_8087&PID_0928&MI_01 (Notice that you have appended the the device IDs you obtained in step 2 to the direction%SingleAdbInterface%=USB_Install.) 4. Bpr40 Software Download Version 4.0. After saving android_winusb.inf, navigate back to device manager, right-click on the unknown device (Android ADB Interface) and choose ‘Update Driver Software’. Choose Browse my computer for driver software: Locate and install driver software manually.
Fotografia De Alta Calidad Tecnica Y Metodo Pdf Programs. Then choose (Browse), navigating to where the drivers are stored ( C: Users Stewart AppData Local Android sdk extras google usb_driver) and clicking (Ok). Make sure that the ‘Include subfolders’ option is checked and click (Next). If you open up Android Studio with your device connected, it should now show up in the ADB after several seconds.
Note: Some of these details may vary. The location of your SDK will undoubtedly be different. What you write in the.inf file comment is arbitrary. I chose to write;RCA Tablet RCT6873W42. I assume you have enabled developer options on your device, allowing USB. You should be able to easily follow Google's direction on installing their USB drivers.