Ole Db Consumer Templates - The Best Software For Your

List of OLE DB Consumer Templates The OLE DB Consumer Templates contain the following classes. The reference material also includes topics on the. Session Classes Corresponds to an OLE DB data source object, representing a connection through a provider to a data source. One or more database sessions, each represented by a CSession object, can take place on a single connection. Corresponds to an OLE DB enumerator object, which retrieves rowset information about available data sources. Represents a single database access session. One or more sessions can be associated with each CDataSource object.

Used by CEnumerator to access the data from the enumerator rowset. This rowset consists of the data sources and enumerators visible from the current enumerator. Accessor Classes CAccessorBase Base class for all accessor classes. CAccessor Used for records that are statically bound to a data source. Use this accessor class when you know the structure of the data source. An accessor that can be created at run time, based on the column information of the rowset.

Use this class to retrieve data if you don’t know the structure of the data source. An accessor that can be used when command types are unknown. Obtains the parameter information by calling the ICommandWithParameters interface, if the provider supports the interface. An accessor with methods to handle both columns and command parameters. With this class, you can use any data types as long as the provider can convert the type. Rowset Classes Used to manipulate, set, and retrieve rowset data. Used to fetch and manipulate rows in bulk by retrieving multiple row handles with a single call.

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CAccessorRowset Encapsulates a rowset and its associated accessors. CArrayRowset Used to access elements of a rowset using array syntax. Provides a dummy implementation for IRowsetNotify, with empty functions for the IRowsetNotify methods OnFieldChange, OnRowChange, and OnRowsetChange.

Used to specify restrictions for schema rowsets. The OLE DB Templates provide you with a set of classes that correspond to the OLE DB schema rowsets.

Command Classes Used to set and execute a parameter-based OLE DB command. To merely open a simple rowset, use CTable instead. CTable Used to access a simple rowset with no parameters. Used as a template argument for the CCommand template when you want the command to handle multiple result sets. Used as a template argument for the CCommand template when you want the command to handle a single rowset. CNoMultipleResults is the default value for the template argument. Used as a template argument for template classes, such as CCommand and CTable, that take an accessor class argument.

Use CNoAccessor if you do not want the class to support parameters or output columns. Used as a template argument for CCommand or CTable if the command or table does not return a rowset. Property Classes Used to pass an array of property IDs for which the consumer wants property information. The properties belong to one property set. Used to set properties on a provider. Bookmark Class Used as an index for accessing data in a rowset.

Error Class Used to retrieve OLE DB error information.

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