Windows 7 Home Premium Oa Acer Laptop
I bought one Acer Laptop, its come with Windows 7 Home Prem OA sticker behind. I heard, if we want to reinstall windows, we can only use Acer Recovery Disc for this. Windows 7: Which is best: install Win 7 from ISO or from Acer recovery disks? Install Win 7 from ISO or from Acer recovery disks? (Windows 7 64X Home Premium). Word 2007 compatible with windows 10 visual studio 2010 code metrics power tool windows 7 home premium upgrade download. 7 Home Premium for Acer Laptops serial. Word 2007 compatible with windows 10 visual studio 2010 code metrics power tool windows 7 home premium upgrade download. 7 Home Premium for Acer Laptops serial.
Hi folks Here is the situation: Sometime in 2014, my brother took his PC to a repair shop. To make a long story short, the store sold him a Windows 7 Home Premium OA (What does the OA mean BTW?). The store installed the windows for him on his PC. The store gave him an ordinary DVD --nothing preprinted on it like a commercial DVD one would buy. Just a standard DVD on which Windows 7 is written by hand on it. Affixed to the sleeve containing this DVD is a COA sticker with a product key on it.
It says on the COA 'Windows 7 Home Premium OA' (do not know what OA means as I said before). Dc90 Ultra High Efficiency Furnace Manual here. It also says on the COA 'Acer Group'.
My brother's PC is not a Acer. It is a home build, originally with Windows Vista on it. Vista was then replaced by that store with the above described Windows 7. My questions are: Question 1 Is this a valid Windows 7 key that he could use to reinstall his Windows on his PC (the one on which the windows was first installed)? Question 2 Could he use it (the key) to install this windows on a completely different PC (new parts including new motherboards etc.)? Question 3 Does this looks legitimate to you folks? I do not know what to think but it sure looks kind of fishy to me?
OA = OEM Activation It's the version that comes from the big oems (Dell, HP, Acer, etc.) and is preinstalled using a SLIC key embedded in the BIOS, thus not requiring activation after installation. However, it only works on those systems with the correct SLIC key. Looks like that repair shop copied an Acer DVD and peeled the sticker off, then put it on your brother's system. Very much not legit. The key has most likely been used more than once and is now blacklisted by Microsoft. I'd further wager that that shop used an activation crack to hide that fact.
OA = OEM Activation It's the version that comes from the big oems (Dell, HP, Acer, etc. Wireshark Compare Capture Files here. ) and is preinstalled using a SLIC key embedded in the BIOS, thus not requiring activation after installation. However, it only works on those systems with the correct SLIC key. Looks like that repair shop copied an Acer DVD and peeled the sticker off, then put it on your brother's system. Very much not legit. The key has most likely been used more than once and is now blacklisted by Microsoft. I'd further wager that that shop used an activation crack to hide that fact.
If the key was blacklisted by Microsoft, how come he still can use it and get all software updates for his Windows? Avid Studio With Crack there.
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