Scorm Example

Closed as off-topic by,,,, Jan 20 '15 at 15:27 This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason: • 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, and what has been done so far to solve it.' – Kevin Brown, gnat, usr2564301, Pang, LittleBobbyTables If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the, please. You can check out this course: I've added most pages that have an mp3 You can download the course package here: A SCORM course - in this case SCORM 1.2, with an MP3 is not any different from a standard HTML course. I just added the following in most pages: Your browser does not support the audio element. But I think I understand what you are thinking about, most scorm courses you see online you see a lot of Flash.

View examples of lessons created by SoftChalk's e-learning software solutions. SCORM Users Guide for Programmers. If you are new to the Sharable Content Object Reference Model. (download from SCORM API/Code Example). When first testing the content player you must up load a course. Many customers get courses that are not working correctly. This creates many issues as the course may.

Scorm Sample Course Download

You can find all HTML examples of SCORM courses both 1.2 and 2004 in the link below.

Winning Eleven 4 Iso Portugues. Introducing the Golf Examples The Golf Examples are a set of simple SCORM courses that illustrate the technical principles of SCORM. The examples start with a set of basic HTML pages that contain instructional information about the game of golf. The instructional content is mediocre at best (it’s just text pulled from and ), but that’s not the point. These examples are about the technical guts of SCORM.

The examples start simple and then build on each other to create a fully functional SCORM conformant course. Examples are provided in different versions of the standards as needed. For example, the simple content packaging examples are provided for all versions of SCORM so that they can be used as templates. However later examples, which build on the previous examples are only provided in limited versions because the differences between versions are negligible. If you’re just looking for the most general example, download the.

Content Packaging Examples These first examples demonstrate the content packaging aspect of SCORM. They are not intended to be fully functional courses, rather they simply demonstrate the proper way to create an imsmanifest.xml file, add metadata and package the course. Simple Single SCO This example demonstrates the most basic content package. It simply considers all of the files within the course to be part of a single SCO that is listed in the manifest and packaged up. Pour Latte Art Advanced Barista Technique Handbook 44 there. This example is provided for all versions of SCORM. They are useful as templates for creating more complicated manifests for each standard. Notice the differences in the SCORM manifests for each SCORM version: • The XML name space information (xmlns) in the manifest tag is different for each SCORM version.

These differences are related to the that are included with each course. • The schema and schema version elements in the manifest’s metadata tag have different values in each version of the standard.

In SCORM 2004, these values are required to have specific values. • The adlcp:scormType attribute on the resource element is slightly different between SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004. In SCORM 1.2, the attribute is named “adlcp:scormtype”, whereas in SCORM 2004, the attribute is named “adlcp:scormType” (note the case of the letter “T”). • SCORM 1.1 uses a completely different content packaging format known as “content structure format” or “CSF”. When more than one HTML page is part of a SCO, the SCO is responsible for providing the navigation interface for navigation within the SCO. This example is missing that navigation, it will be added later in the run-time examples. Search A Word In A File In Java there.

Download (not functional) SCORM 1.1 [] [] SCORM 1.2 [] [] SCORM 2004 2nd Edition [] [] SCORM 2004 3rd Edition [] [] The Metadata Example The example builds upon the Simple Single SCO example by adding descriptive metadata to the manifest file. Every metadata element within LOM is used in an appropriate context. Metadata may be defined at many levels within the manifest. It can be attached to the manifest itself, an organization, an item, a resource or a file. This example demonstrates metadata in all locations. Metadata can also be included directly within the manifest (in-line) or in a separate external file referenced from within the manifest.

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