Cota Ot Bridge Program Texas

Master of Occupational Therapy program. Skip to main content. As an occupational therapist. Another One Bites The Dust .wav. Texas Woman's University 304 Administration Dr. OT Master's-Level Programs. (Program is also offered at Texas Woman's University.

Cota Ot Bridge Program TexasCurriculum

So i'm in a bit of dilemma right now when it comes to the future and am in need of some professional opinions on what to do. I just graduated from the University at Buffalo with a Psychology BS with a 3.198 GPA at that school but including my transfer GPA it's brought down to 2. Disney Infinity Crack & Keygen on this page. 95 not including the A&P2 class i retook to get a B in lecture and A in lab. Right now I'm retaking A&P1 and abnormal to get A's.

So the question is do I attempt to apply to OT graduate programs in hopes that i get in even with how competitive it is or do I enter the OTA program starting fall 2015 and get the best grades I can get to elevate my gpa and reapply down the road? You should definitely apply to OT school, NOT OTA school. You are overqualified to be a cota since you have a bachelor's degree already, and I think if you become a cota you eventually won't wanna go back to grad school after paying off that schooling and are settled and such.

Anywayssss, DO NOT let your low gpa get you down. I had a low GPA in my undergrad (2.98, being that I had two years of getting Cs in all my science classes and failing orgo 2 twice). However, my last year of school I had a high GPA, I took three classes for prereqs that I didn't take during my undergrad over the summer and got As in them, and my prereq GPA was between a 4.0 and a 3.8 depending on the school's prereqs. I applied to 12 schools, so far I have been rejected from 5 and got into 1.

It is definitely possible, not all schools only look at GPA. As long as you have solid recs, observation hours in different settings, and show that you genuinely want this for your future, it will all work out for you! Yeah that was basically the same thing that happened to me. I had a 3.6 and 3.4 my last two semesters at UB.

Previously I had been at two other schools and 5 different majors before graduating with a 3.2 at UB which probably didn't help my situation overall, but was fully my fault. Looking back should have just picked a major I enjoyed and just stuck to it knowing that I wanted to go to grad school.

My prereqs though are all A's and B's except for the ones I'm taking this semester to try and get A's in. My thought about applying to OTA was pretty much only based on the fact that it would be paid by my parents which I'm extremely thankful for. Figured I could boost my GPA maybe do split ops in the national guard or reserve so that way I could get some of grad school paid off plus be able to serve, and then spend 2-3 years as an OTA before applying to schools again. Can I ask what is the one you've been accepted to?

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