Yootheme Templates
Nero Kwik Blu-ray Plugin there. Once is a while, you find a Joomla extension that’s just amazing. WidgetKit by Yootheme is such an extension. If you need a dazzling, easy-to-use slide show, tabs, accordion, HTML5 backward compatible video player, twitter feed, or gallery, WidgetK it is it. And it works in WordPress too. As with all great extensions or widgets, WidgetKit has a free and commercial version.
Unity – Yootheme joomla template fits perfectly for all kinds of businesses, from small to middle sized companies you will have a good start to work with.
To take full advantage of WidgetKit, you’ll need to buy the commercial version for $38, and it’s well worth it. Or better yet, for $12 more, buy a YooTheme template and get WidgetKit for free. Creating slide shows, accordions, tabs, and photo galleries has never been this easy. But WidgetKit is not only easy. It creates beautiful output. Just take a look at the examples on the YooTheme site: WidgetKit is easy to use, but it helps to learn by example, so I recommend buying a YooTheme template for $51 (which includes WidgetKit for FREE) and installing the sample data with it.
That way, you get a YooTheme template already configured AND WidgetKit and you get all the example WidgetKit data so you can quickly learn how to take advantage of WidgetKit’s features and power. Yootheme’s Widgetkit is the WORST animation set I’ve ever worked with. The templet CSS files are incomplete so making their image rotators / sliders work with multiple browsers is nearly impossible, may have been easier to start from scratch. If you think your website visitors are only using Firefox, then Widgetkit may be a good solution for you.