Sql Image Viewer
With SQL Image Viewer, you should be able to view image files stored in any SQL database. This is quite convenient for people trying to retrieve their database. SQL Image Viewer for PC. Database Software. SQL Image Viewing, Exporting, and Converting. Your data exported by SQL Image Viewer with all OLE Object header and container data removed, allowing you to open and edit the files easily. Descargar Minecraft Lite Gratis on this page.
SQL Image Viewer can be ideal for those users who are looking for a software tool to enable them to extract images directly from databases provided by most of the leading database servers. Thus, users of this software can extract images from Oracle, MySQL, SQLite, Firebird, and ODBC data sources such as PostgreSQL and DB2. This software tool provides its users with the choice of exporting the images from the databases to the disks in their original formats or by converting to any of the supported formats. The supported formats include JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, and several others. The SQL Image Viewer software tool also allows its users to export various binary files such as PDF documents, ZIP files, and other such items stored in databases run by leading database engines.
This software tool also helps its users in saving a considerable amount of time and cost by enabling them to connect to multiple database engines at the same time by using a single interface. The efficiency of this software allows it to retrieve images from any database by using the SQL syntax of the respective database engine. This software tool provides its users with image thumbnails in three different layouts that are thumbnail, filmstrip, and tiled. The users can export large amounts of images from the databases with the software providing excellent image retrieving capabilities. The progress monitor allows the users to keep track of the number of images that the software has exported, as well as, the duration taken for export and the size of each image. Thus, this image viewer can be an excellent choice for extracting large number of images from databases.