Modo For Solidworks Kit Rapidshare

Modo image from a SolidWorks model. (Image courtesy Paul McCrorey) has announced a new software kit designed to simplify the import of models into Modo, Luxology’s popular high-end image rendering software. The new Modo for SolidWorks Kit maintains the user interface conventions familiar to SolidWorks users, while giving them a pipeline to more advanced rendering capabilities than available in, the SolidWorks built-in rendering tool built with Luxology technology. The technology was previewed at SolidWorks World earlier this year, where GraphicSpeak got an advanced peek. The Modo for SolidWorks Kit expands native Modo functionality with additional options for importing parts and assemblies. It also provides flexibility on how the model is organized for visualization purposes.

Modo For Solidworks Kit Rapidshare

Inside Modo, users are presented with a familiar SolidWorks-style layout and navigation controls, along with drag-and-drop support for changing materials and selecting lighting environments. Important features in the Modo for SolidWorks Kit include: Enhanced SolidWorks Import —Allows additional import options for bringing SolidWorks parts, bodies and assemblies into Modo. Benefits include reduced memory usage for large files and the ability to use instances for ease of editing and reduced overhead. PhotoView 360 Compatibility —Models open in Modo with the same appearance and decal information as seen in SolidWorks.

Modo For Solidworks Kit

Familiar Navigation for SolidWorks Users —User interface and navigation is similar to SolidWorks and PhotoView 360. Tools for Selecting and Reorganizing Imported Models —Help users with the complex task of re-organizing model data so that it is easier to apply materials. Soul Reaver 1 Game. Neoer V2 3. Imported data can be selected by appearance, part, body or face and new layers can be created in Modo to highlight specific parts of the design. Load Medieval Conquest more.

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