Icom R8500 Serial Numbers
Mine is serial number is 02306 and was purchased through KJI Electronics in Cedar Grove, NJ on 8/13/99. Since my serial number is only 135 units higher than yours I can deduce my R8500 was likely purchased around the same time as yours, if not a short time later. Based on this I'm assuming mine would have been bought new in late 1999 or perhaps early 2000 but this at least gives me an approximate time frame of when it hit the shelf. I just wish Icom had a method of determining when these products were made the way other manufacturers do...:eek: higinbotham 7:10 PM. Ride Carnival Of Light Rar more.
(N9EWO photo) Discontinued. Originally designed to work with the IC-R8500, a now discontinued Icom receiver. Until I took a close look on the serial number. Icom tends to indicate the region with the first two numbers of the serial number, 02 = USA (Blocked), 03 = Europe, 05 = France. ICOM Serial Numbers (1/1) James Benedict: Anyone know month & year manufacture of this IC-706MKIIG SN# 20108? Gerry Pement: Your Icom IC-706MKIIG must be a recent one. Icom IC-7700 Rev.12 identification. Is there any particular serial number I should look for that may help in the identification of whether the unit is pre- or post.