Gamecube Boot Disc

Booting Homebrew. Real Working Habbo Hack - The Best Software For Your on this page. From GC-Forever Wiki. A loophole within an official Gamecube game title. Always need the disc to boot it up. Dolphin does not include the GameCube Main Menu. 5.0-3902 added the ability to boot directly to the. So while changing the disc during the GameCube BIOS.

Gamecube Boot UpGamecube Boot Disc

Download Abit Bx133 Raid Driver Download 32&64 Bit Version. Am I a dumbass for spending $70 for a Viper chip for my cube only to have this boot disc come out and totally negate it's purpose? I have to swap discs with my chip but the same thing would be needed with the boot disc, and that is free. Has anybody tried this out yet? (Artlover I'm looking your way) Just wondering how the compatibility with games is. The main reason I got the chip was to use the BBA to backup games but this disc also has that feature. I'm hoping somebody can tell me the boot disc is junk so I don't feel so bad.

If it's not anybody wanna buy a Viper chip? Finally got my chip and games working well and now this. There is no such thing as a GC bootdisc. He Sims 3 Crack - Fix - Razor1911.rar on this page. If you're talking about Freeloader, it's only for booting orginals of different regions, not backups.

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